
Begoma – ny medlem i The Heavy Lift Group

17 juli, 2024

Vi är glada över att kunna berätta att Begoma anslutit sig som medlem till The Heavy Lift Group. Som medlem får Begoma tillgång till ett nätverk av högt kvalificerade och erfarna företag att samarbeta med i komplexa logistikprojekt. – Detta är ett bevis på kvalitén i det arbete vi utför och ett kvitto på att […]

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Halvvägs genom 2024: ”En stadig återhämtning på marknaden”

27 juni, 2024

Det andra kvartalet av 2024 närmar sig sitt slut. Begoma avslutar första halvåret med en positiv känsla efter att de senaste månaderna ha tagit flera steg för att positionera sig för ökad framtida efterfrågan på marknaden. Vi pratade med VD Henrik Malmberg om hans främsta insikter hittills från året. Efter en längre period av stagnation, […]

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Glad midsommar!

20 juni, 2024

Vi på Begoma önskar er alla en glad och förhoppningsvis solig midsommarafton imorgon! Vårt kontor i Malmö och Göteborg är stängt imorgon fredag, men vi är åter som vanligt på måndag. Åter igen – glad midsommar! Begoma

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Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

22 december, 2023

Dear customers and partners, As the year concludes, we express our sincere gratitude for your ongoing collaboration with Begoma. May this festive season bring you joy, prosperity, and moments of reflection. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, filled with growth and accomplishment. We anticipate further shared achievements in the year ahead. […]

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Breaking transport dependency on fossile fuels – current status in end of 2023

4 december, 2023

In the quest to mitigate climate change and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, electrification of transport has emerged as a pivotal solution. As of the end of 2023, the global transition towards electric transportation is well underway, with remarkable progress made in various sectors, including electric cars, buses, and even some heavy-duty vehicles. Let’s […]

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Quality and good service – two keywords for team MMA1

8 november, 2023

Jane Fernlid works as a forwarder and team leader at Begoma. Together with her three colleagues, Jane is part of the MMA1 group, which is responsible for some of the company’s traffic to and from Sweden and other parts of Europe. Team MMA1 is a hive of activity every day. It is important to keep […]

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Begoma vägtransporter

High delivery service with Begoma’s team MMA2

29 september, 2023

The need for logistics services is increasing. This trend has become apparent for the MMA2 group at Begoma, which works with truck transports from Sweden to the rest of Europe. Johan Åkesson works at MMA2 together with three colleagues. To help them, they also have Begoma’s local office in the Czech Republic. And they need […]

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Begoma – the obvious choice for express deliveries

18 augusti, 2023

Sometimes transport is required without much notice, and that’s when express delivery is needed. We can take care of that shipment for you. With our express services, we arrange speedy deliveries of cargo of all sizes. We implement modern and dynamic logistics flows that ensure the items arrive on time. Begoma offers a wide range […]

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