
En pålitlig partner till stålindustrin

Att transportera stål kräver expertis och rätt utrustning på grund av dess vikt och kompakta form. På Begoma har vi lång erfarenhet av att hantera stålleveranser och använder specialanpassade coiltrailers för att säkerställa säkra och effektiva transporter. Med stort mått know-how har Begoma blivit en pålitlig partner till stålindustrin, och vårt samarbete sträcker sig flera […]

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Kraften i att pussla samman

Att ligga steget före och förutse kundernas behov har alltid varit en framgångsstrategi inom affärsvärlden. Inom transport- och logistiksektorn har denna sanning blivit än mer aktuell det senaste decenniet, tack vare nya regelkrav gällande hållbarhet. Att pussla ihop mer klimatsmarta lösningar för kunder som efterfrågar det är ett av Begomas huvudfokus under 2024.

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Därför erbjuder Begoma transparent klimatdata

Varje månad kan våra kunder se sin individuella klimatpåverkan, sammanställt i en översiktlig rapport som bifogas i vårt nyhetsbrev. I den kan varje kund ta del av en beräkning av de klimatutsläpp som genererats av våra transporter, ned på ordernivå.

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Begoma – the obvious choice for express deliveries

Sometimes transport is required without much notice, and that’s when express delivery is needed. We can take care of that shipment for you. With our express services, we arrange speedy deliveries of cargo of all sizes. We implement modern and dynamic logistics flows that ensure the items arrive on time. Begoma offers a wide range […]

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Continuous business intelligence guides the transport industry

In recent years, the world has changed in many ways which have not gone unnoticed by Begoma. The corona pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and rising electricity prices are three distinctive factors that have caused the logistics industry to reorganise and rethink, says Madeleine Stein, Business Developer at Begoma. Fortunately, Madelene Stein continues, the transport […]

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Intermodal transports – efficient, economical, and sustainable

Begoma offers a variety of transport and logistics solutions. In particular, the industry has seen a major boom in intermodal transport, as more companies choose this approach to transport their goods worldwide. We chatted with Joel Svedebring, who works as a dispatcher and team leader at Begoma’s Grupp Väst. Joel explained that intermodal shipping is […]

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A story about seeing an opportunity and seizing it

This is the story of Begoma and their journey from a local freight forwarder in Malmö to becoming an international logistics company with operations in several countries. The journey began in 1998 when Göran Malmberg acquired G&L Beijer Spedition AB. This company’s history dates back to the 1870s when brothers Gottfried and Lorens Beijer created […]

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Begoma’s Strategy

Let’s talk strategy! Any company that wants to grow its business needs a business strategy, and Begoma is no exception. We asked Begoma’s CEO Henrik Malmberg to give us some insights into their strategy and what we can expect from them in the future. Could you tell us a little more about Begoma’s strategy? We […]

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