About us

Family businessFamily business

Begoma is a Swedish logistics company with a heritage from 1878 with a turnover of about 50 mEUR, we handle about 40,000 transport assignments annually. We are about 70 employees and are represented with offices in Malmö (HQ) and Gothenburg in Sweden, Swinoujscie and Gdynia in Poland, in Tyniste in the Czech Republic, Rotterdam in the Netherlands, Kyiv in Ukraine and Kitwe, Zambia.

The family business, which is owned by Göran Malmberg, is characterized by short decision paths and a long-term perspective.

Business concept

We offer offer a wide range of transport solutions and work actively to improve the quality of our services. We are also developing our own IT solutions. We strive to constantly improve our service and our focus is to offer transport solutions with a lower environmental impact.

We try to be competitive and yet stay profitable, we know we have extensive industry know-how and our staff is both qualified and committed.


Our operations are based on the core values of Competence and Commitment.
Competence: Begoma’s employees have extensive experience and extensive knowledge in road and rail transport, forwarding, customs, claims settlement, insurance issues, finance and IT. Begoma strives to establish high credibility with customers and suppliers and works continuously with the employees’ competence development.
Commitment: Begoma’s employees are sensitive to customers’ needs and both customers and suppliers receive a personal treatment.


Begoma’s ancestry stretches back to the 1870s when the brothers Gottfried and Lorens Beijer founded the companies G & L Beijer and Sydsvenska Ångfartygs AB in Malmö.

In 1998 Ingrid and Göran Malmberg acquired G & L Beijer Spedition AB. The firm’s name was changed to Begoma Spedition AB, the name is a contraction of BEijer GÖran MAlmberg. After the acquisition, the company grew significantly and got many new customers among Swedish export industry. Since 2006, the headquarter is again located in central Malmo, not far from the place where the first office was situated.


About us